Sounds that help you focus, work, study, relax, meditate or sleep

The world is filled with sounds. During the day, a person gets tired of the noise of cars, the roar of the subway, other people's conversations, loud music. We may have different attitudes towards the singing of canaries, the barking of dogs or the sound of engines under the window, but many would not mind spending some time in complete or relative silence. Unfortunately, we cannot completely remove noise pollution, but the service can do a small miracle - pleasant background sounds will absorb unnecessary noise.
Doctors have long been researching the effect of the audiophone on the physical and mental health of a person. It has been proven that being in a space polluted with noise increases the risk of heart attacks and hypertension. We spend energy on suppressing sound stimuli, which could be directed to maintaining the vital activity of the body. We adapt to some of the sounds, over time, quiet voices and the clinking of dishes in a cafe begin to be perceived as soothing music. At the same time, only a few manage to get used to the grinding of metal, construction cannon fire and noise in the office.
Without relative silence, it is difficult to perceive new information and ponder important questions. It turns out that students in a quiet class are a year ahead of their peers, who study in a room with windows overlooking the railroad. Children who constantly hear the hum of planes or the roar of trains fall behind in their studies. The situation is similar in noisy offices - employees cannot concentrate, they are in constant stress.
Although the perception of sounds is largely formed in the process of education, depends on previous experience, mood and even age, it is beneficial for everyone to sometimes be in silence. White noise, sounds of flowing water, birdsong, rustle of leaves - everyone has their own idea of comfort.
Interesting Facts
- The grinding sound produced by metal objects or nails sliding across glass is one of the leaders in the list of disgusting sounds. Psychologists explain the reaction by an ancient instinct - by such sounds, our distant ancestors learned about the approach of a predator.
- The rumble of a lawn mower, the clatter of a jackhammer, and other chilling "melodies" can sound pleasant when associated with good events. At the same time, even the singing of a nightingale can be perceived negatively due to bad associations.
- Infrasounds, which are not perceived by the human ear, cause a feeling of fear and anxiety. Researchers have linked the unexplained horror in the "haunted houses" to this effect.
- In a noisy room, an audiophone made from natural sounds allows you to isolate yourself from the curious. This is the conclusion reached by American scientists. An outsider cannot overhear a confidential conversation, being at some distance from the speakers.
Include a pleasant sound background for you at home and at work. You will appreciate the benefits of our service when you feel refreshed at the end of the day and can easily unwind before bed.